Monday, April 12, 2010


Wow guys, been so crazy busy with Photoshop, I've had a lot of fun so far with it. I got a lot of stuff that I think is pretty cool done up. I have a few minutes here before lunch break ends to show you. Black and white with recolor in the bushes Black and white with recolor in the bird and cat-tails (bird is originally a yellow head)

Monday, April 5, 2010


Today we started part of the course that I was really excited for, Photoshop =D. With cracked rib painfully in place I'm excited to start learning some new techniques to get good at photoshop, something I've failed to do in the past xD. So wish me luck as break is almost over and we'll be heading into the actual meat of the class for today fairly soon.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sorry about not posting yesterday, we're into Marketing 101 so I've been a little busy with the classes. It's been pretty interesting and I'm lelarning a lot of cool stuff about advertisements and advertising effectively (lots of it is common sense but there is some stuff I'm learning). So it's going to be a short post again, I'll catch you later webz, have fun!

Really short post here guys, but check it out. I've setup a very basic site that I'll advance as I get the time, currently displaying some of my photo shop work that has dominated my free time thus far. Check it out! ^.^

Link located here :D

Friday, March 26, 2010

This week ends today and that means that John Semchuk (our current instructor) is finished up with us, next week the hard stuff will start (ie each day will be a new instructor and subject matter. I'm really excited for the ten day course in Photoshop that we have coming up honestly, partially cause I like photo manipulation (despite being terrible at it) and partially because this program has been pissing me right off >.<. The little nuiances and nuisances existing in the program are frustrating to absolutely no end!

Anyway yesterday and today were spent on a long project which is complete in both paper and imagery. I'll show you guys the outcome of the work and writeups though, to save you 'study material' if you will. Remember these are images to function as design and layout planning for eventual websites, these are not the functional sites.

My Final Project

Home Page

Services Page

To give you guys an idea on the progression of this project here are three steps it took:



Final Product

Don't forget to click -all- of those links guys!

Thursday, March 25, 2010


This is a quick post guys since class is technically still in session. I just finished a picture edit I was working on the last few days. It's not professional or anything but let me know what you think!



Can't spot the differences? Then you're dumb. No seriously though. Obviously the background is black and white in the second one, with some highlights in color to draw your eye to the action. What you may not have noticed was the glow added to the Elites sword and eyes/armor highlights. The Plasma pistol in the Grunts hand had a little glow added as well.

Awesome. Later guys!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Well it's day three and classes are still pretty good. I've advanced my project site a fair bit from the original and it's looking a lot better with some minor textures and a better color scheme. Infact I've included an image which you can find here. Now I know it's not the most amazing work ever done, infact most of my classmates have already developed far more exciting, enticing and visually appealing websites. Let's keep in mind I have no artistic talent, and am approaching this with no experience of this sort, and trying to build up in a course intended for people with this kind of experience.

I know it's a short post, but wish me luck guys, I'm back to class now lunch break is nearly over.

Have a great web-day!